Vote Mama Endorses Katjana
Vote Mama Endorses Katjana Ballantyne
Vote Mama, a progressive political action group whose mission is “to elect moms who will fight for working families at all levels of government” has endorsed City Councilor Katjana Ballantyne to be the next Mayor of Somerville. Endorses range from U.S. Senators to local office, with the organization committed to “building a world where childcare, paid family leave, maternal health, and education are not considered ‘women's issues,’ but infrastructure issues that affect every American.”
Vote Mama candidates pledge to support: A woman’s right to choose: a woman has the right to decide what she can and can't do with her body. Paid leave: paid family and medical leave for everyone. Universal childcare and pre-k: an investment in childcare and pre-k as economic infrastructure. Gun reform: common-sense gun reform to protect Americans from gun violence. Anti-racist governing policies: dismantling systemic racism, oppression, and brutality and listening to, learning from, and amplifying the voices of Black people. Making climate justice an urgent priority.
Ballantyne, whose extensive career in public and private service has focused on issues like affordable housing, combating climate change, empowering women, and fighting for inclusion and equity, said, “I am proud of my record in community groups, as a professional and as a city councilor. I’ve done all of these things as a working mom and will continue to pursue the goals I share with Vote Mama. I am grateful for their support.”-Katjana Ballantyne