Congressman Capuano Supports Katjana for Mayor of Somerville
Congressman Capuano Supports Katjana
Former Congressman and former Mayor Michael Capuano has endorsed City Councilor Katjana Ballantyne to be the next Mayor of Somerville. Capuano is the latest current or former elected official to endorse Ballantyne’s mayoral bid. Capuano’s successor, Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley, announced her support for Ballantyne on October 4th.
"I’m voting for Katjana because she has experience running a complex organization, she has a long history of working for Affordable Housing, she has proven her leadership abilities on the City Council, she is open-minded, compassionate and pragmatic,” said Capuano. “In short, she is the best-prepared candidate to become the next Mayor of Somerville.”
“I am honored to receive Mike’s endorsement,” Ballantyne said. “He’s been a positive and progressive voice for Somerville for five decades and he cares deeply about our city and its future. I appreciate his willingness to add his name to the growing list of community activists, unions, and elected officials who are supporting my mayoral campaign.”
Twice elected as president of the Somerville City Council, Ballantyne, has served as city councilor since 2014. Her extensive career in public and private service has focused on issues like education, combatting climate change, improving public safety, and fighting for inclusion and equity.
In addition to the endorsements by Capuano and Pressley, Ballantyne has won the backing of the Mass Women's Political Caucus PAC, the progressive group Vote Mama, the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local No. 2222, Teamsters Local Union No. 25, Somerville Fire Fighters Local 76, the Professional Fire Fighters of Massachusetts, and the International Association of Heat & Frost Insulators and Allied Workers Union Local 6.
She has also received the endorsement of State Representative Christine Barber, Councilor-at-Large and City Council Vice President Mary Jo Rossetti, Ward 5 Councilor Mark Niedergang, former President of the Board of Aldermen Rebekah Gewirtz, Ward 2 School Committee member Ilana Krepchin, Ward 4 School Committee member Andre Green and Cambridge School Committee Vice-Chair Manikka L. Bowman.